We need to talk about meetingsComplaining about meetings is like complaining about traffic, when you are the traffic.Jan 6Jan 6
Agile Product people: is your inner Lisa Simpson making life harder for you?Complexity, perfectionism, and the shame of not knowing all the answersOct 20, 2023Oct 20, 2023
Published inBootcampWhy “Why?” might be a more powerful question if you think like a GermanThere are six words for “why” in German. Does having only one in English make it harder to ask good, probing questions?Oct 6, 2023Oct 6, 2023
Published intech-gwiTips for presenting…to exec-level folks and to humans generallyNov 1, 2022Nov 1, 2022
You build it, you run itWhat are the limits of “run it”? Fixing bugs, yes. Monitoring capacity and performance? Probably. Answering user queries? Depends…Jun 28, 20221Jun 28, 20221
Things I frequently recommendI have a go-to list of books, blogs and videos I recommend as particular topics or challenges come up in conversation. I thought it would…Mar 2, 2022Mar 2, 2022
Finding a Mentor: Be Your Own MatchmakerMentoring schemes are not the only optionFeb 11, 2022Feb 11, 2022
What to do when your team is the blocker of everythingI wrote this up a while ago to share with someone experiencing similar challenges. It doesn’t represent a view of beautifully optimised…Feb 10, 2022Feb 10, 2022
How I stopped being terrible at accepting complimentsI used to be so bad at this it still makes me cringe.Mar 9, 20212Mar 9, 20212